

INDOSTRENGTH D15/AP  is anamphoteric PAM product specifically designedfor the paper industry to impart drystrength to paperboards to enhanceproperties suchas burst, tensile, and flatcrush(Concora).

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INDOSTRENGTH D15/AP  is anamphoteric PAM product specifically designedfor the paper industry to impart drystrength to paperboards to enhanceproperties suchas burst, tensile, and flatcrush(Concora).

INDOSTRENGTH D15/AP  has higher molecular weight and narrower distribution of molecules than conventional PAM. INDOSTRENGTH D15/AP  improvesnot only drystrength properties but also freeness, retention properties.

 INDOSTRENGTHD15/AP  is stable and can perform well in the following conditions:

  1.  WidepH range
  2.  Closedsystem
  3.  Widerangeof dosage (small to large)

INDOSTRENGTH D15/AP  should beadded to thestock at a point where goodmixing is assured(e.g. machine chest) in order to fully dispersedin the pulp slurry.  INDOSTRENGTH D15/AP could also be added in the headboxor fan pump to obtain higher freeness.

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